Get the 411 on New York State Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP)

The Manufacturers Intermediary Apprenticeship Program (MIAP) will be conducting an overview of what Registered Apprenticeship is and how companies across New York State have been utilizing this model. Prasad Mathew, Skilled Trades Development Coordinator with Eastman Kodak Company, will share how they use Registered Apprenticeship to attract and retain a

Banking & Finance Industry Roundtable

Center for Economic Growth 5 Computer Drive South, Albany, NY, United States

On February 28th at 8:30am, the Center for Economic Growth will be holding a Banking & Finance Industry Roundtable in partnership with SUNY Schenectady to be held at the Capital Region Workforce Development Board.  We are interested in hearing from our local banks and credit unions around their current career pathways and opportunities for

Startup Tech Valley

Brown's Revolution Hall 425 River St, Troy, NY

What is Startup Tech Valley? Meetup for first-time entrepreneurs, experienced entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, students, employees of startups, service providers to startups, and anyone else who wants to be involved or is curious. What to Expect Connect + Engage. Start with networking and then get introduced to startups through

Startup Tech Valley

Brown's Revolution Hall 425 River St, Troy, NY

What is Startup Tech Valley? Meetup for first-time entrepreneurs, experienced entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, students, employees of startups, service providers to startups, and anyone else who wants to be involved or is curious. What to Expect: Connect + Engage. Start with networking and then get introduced to startups through

Funding Partners