What Employers Need for NY HERO ACT Workforce Safety Plans

With Gov. Kathy Hochul on Sept. 6, 2021 designating COVID-19 an airborne disease under the New York Health and Essential Rights Act (NY HERO Act), employers are required to implement workforce safety plans.
Employers were required to adopt an airborne infectious disease by Aug. 5, 2021 and to provide the plan in writing to employees within 30 days of adoption or no later than Sept. 4, 2021. By Nov. 1, 2021, workers can establish and administer a joint labor-management workplace safety committee with establishments with 10 or more employees.
See the New York State Department of Labor for more information on the NY HERO Act.
Below are Industry-specific template action plans:
Vehicle Operations for Delivery Service
Private Transportation by Automobile
Click here for here for the updated NY HERO ACT Information & FAQ.