These Counties Are the Capital Region’s Top Sources for New Residents
The first U.S. Census Bureau statistics to show county-county migration flows for a period that covers the beginning of the pandemic show the New York City and Hudson Valley regions continued to be strong population drivers for the Capital Region. Outside New York, the Cambridge, Newark, Boston and Los Angeles areas also emerged as leading sources of Capital Region residents, according to a Center for Economic Growth analysis of data from the Census Flows Mapper.
Intra-NY Net Regional Migration
Between 2016 and 2020, an annual average 6,724 New York City residents and 4,560 from the Hudson Valley moved to the eight-county Capital Region. In contrast, only 2,822 and 3,479 Capital Region residents moved to those regions, resulting in a regional net gain of 3,452 and 1,081, respectively.

However, 1,332 people came to the Capital Region from the North County while 2,434 people moved the reverse way. That resulted in the Capital Region having a net loss of 1,102 residents to the North Country.

People Moving In (Inbound County Migration from Outside of NY)
Outside of New York during the five-year period, the Capital Region attracted the newest residents from Middlesex County, Massachusetts (Cambridge-Lowell). Thanks to with the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program at the Kenneth A. Kesselring Site in West Milton, the region’s second leading source of inbound movers was Berkley County, South Carolina, which is home to the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. Other top Capital Region inbound flow counties included Essex County, New Jersey (Newark) Suffolk County, Massachusetts (Boston), and Los Angeles County.

People Moving Out (Outside NY Outbound County Migration)
Outside of New York, Middlesex County, Massachusetts was the leading destination for people moving out of the Capital Region. It was followed by Strafford County, New Hampshire (Rochester); Bexar County, Texas (San Antonio); Kitsap, Washington (Bremerton; and Franklin County, Ohio (Columbus).

CEG Initiatives
In April 2021, CEG launched a talent attraction campaign using the CapNY brand, along with a website – – and its associated social media channels. To help attract even more young professionals to the Capital Region, CEG launched a CapNY Connectors initiative. The Connectors are local residents who love living in the Capital Region and who have volunteered to share that love to help connect prospective new residents to our community. They work in diverse industries, pursue unique interests, and come from all walks of life. The CapNY Connectors are available to answer questions and discuss first-hand experience of what it’s like to work and live in CapNY.
Young professionals can find a connector who shares their interests and ambitions by checking out the profiles on the GoCapNY website. Website visitors who are unsure of whom they should connect with, can fill out the form to provide some additional details, and the CapNY networking team will make a connection for them.
Visit CapNY Connectors at
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