The Research Connection – March 2020: Population Health Technology Edition

Featured R&D projects:
- MortalityMinder: A Tool for Analyzing County-level Mortality Trends
App-Based Device to Accelerate Recovery for Chronic Pain, Other Illnesses
Population Health Observatory
This edition’s contributors: SUNY Research Foundation | University at Albany | University at Buffalo | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
MortalityMinder: A Tool for Analyzing County-level Mortality Trends
Description: MortalityMinder is an app created by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute students that identifies social conditions contributing to declining life expectancy at a community level. It recently won a major award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. According to data scientist Kristin Bennett, a professor of mathematical sciences and leader of the Health Analytics Challenge Lab course at Rensselaer, the app was designed for policy-makers at all levels in hopes of providing insights that lead to the development of better policies and programs that enable people to have healthier, longer lives.
Potential applications: Public policy, population health, mortality trends, health data
App-Based Device to Accelerate Recovery for Chronic Pain, Other Illnesses
Description: For patients who are suffering from chronic pain, sleeping well is necessary for implementing exercise therapy. Ricky Leung, an associate professor in the University at Albany School of Public Health and the founder of ASAP HEAL, is developing an app-based device that would accelerate the healing process for injuries and illnesses by improving pain patients’ sleeping patterns and promoting exercise. Collaborate with ASAP Heal, learn more about partnering with the University at Albany.
Potential applications: Chronic pain management, health analytics, mobile health
Contact: Ricky Leung, associate professor, health policy, management and behavior,
Population Health Observatory
Description: The Population Health Observatory (PHO) at the University at Buffalo is a public health research, training and informatics center. PHO faculty and students apply biostatistical and computational expertise to analyze large population-based data sets, mining information from them to enhance knowledge and practice of public health. The PHO data warehouse houses local, statewide, national, and international data sets that provide a foundation for population-based research. Learn how generating knowledge from data analysis can improve public health.
Potential applications: Early screening and detection of Krabbe disease, a trauma registry for local hospitals to improve efficiency and quality of trauma care, better understanding of mortality trends in New York State.
Contact: Jihnhee Yu, director,
About The Research Connection: The Research Connection is a quarterly feature in the Center for Economic Growth’s monthly, online newsletter, The CEG Indicator. This special feature highlights R&D being conducted by researchers at Capital Region colleges and universities and others throughout the SUNY system. The Research Connection spotlights academic R&D in CEG’s focus technology sectors: Nanotechnology and Semiconductors, Cleantech/Energy, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials, Population Health Technology and Information Technology.
Each edition of The Research Connection will highlight several research projects in a specific technology sector. The Research Connection will keep CEG investors (2,500+) and CEG Indicator subscribers (9,000+) informed on the cutting-edge R&D that is being conducted by SUNY and other academic researchers that could potentially transform their industries. It will also encourage collaboration, patent, licensing and other opportunities.
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